Expats in Dubai should prepare for consequences of Coronavirus prevention measures
FIFA2022’s host country Qatar told “Free Trapped British Nationals”, detained 73 year old speaks out
Detained in Dubai warns Brits in Dubai may face retaliatory harassment
Law firm Dechert sued in London for human rights abuses in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
UAE authorities coercing Brit to plead guilty following arrest over Qatar t-shirt assault
“Bahrain seeks to punish Hakeem through extradition process and show strength to gulf allies”
UAE still ill treating detained Scotsman Billy Barclay, even after his return to the UK
Top UAE lawyer calls for legal reforms after recent terrifying arrests of 3 Brits
Scottish family man Billy Barclay, accused of passing fake banknote, set to be released from UAE
Trapped as Dubai dream goes sour. Brits stuck in homelessness nightmare surviving on handouts.
UAE government threatens prisoners over talking to media.